4 approaches to make your Word file "slim"

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We shall discuss some associated with your office daily work. Did the following situation be encountered by you? You intend to send an with a Word file addition, nevertheless the email can't be send out cause the Word file is too big. And many efforts are wasted by you in making the document thin. You can take to the next techniques, which can reduce steadily the size a whole lot. 1. Save yourself as In Menu, choose "File > Save As", and save the document with a brand new name. You can compare the new file with original one; you'll find that the file size of new one is much smaller. You can even work in this manner. Select the whole information of the document, copy and paste it to a brand new blank document and save yourself it. Again, you will that quality of two files is significantly diffent. 2. Remove old types If there are numerous old types held in the file, the file size will undoubtedly be greater. In Menu, pick "File > Version", always check to see if there is any old edition saved. You are able to eliminate those designs with no value to make the report lean. 3. Place image correctly "Insert Picture" is one of the main reasons for the phrase file get fat. Try to put an inferior picture. You should use visual editor to reduce how big is picture before place to the record. The file format must use GIF or JPG and do not use those high-resolution image, like BMP. Plexus Slim contains further concerning where to mull over this enterprise. 4. Don't "Embed True Form Font" "Embed True Type Font" will increase how big word record. In Menu, pick "Tools > Options", change to "Save" tab page. Ensure that your word document have no accurate type font, and cancel the "Embed True Type Font" alternative. Then pick "Embed characters in use only", if you introduce true variety font. Take to the above four methods, you'll see your word report getting slim.

4 methods to make your Word file "slim"