4 ways to make your Word file "slim"
We shall talk about some related to your office daily work. Did you experience the following situation? You wish to send an with a Word file addition, but the email can not be send out trigger the Word file is too large. And many efforts are wasted by you for making the file slim. You can take to the next methods, which can decrease the size a great deal. 1. Save your self as In Menu, choose "File > Save As", and save the file with a fresh name. The new file can be compared by you with original one; you will realize that the file size of new one is much smaller. You may also work in this way. Find the whole content of the document, copy and paste it to a brand new blank document and save yourself it. Again, you will that quality of two documents is significantly diffent. 2. Erase old versions If there are lots of old versions kept in the file, the file size is likely to be larger. In Menu, choose "File > Version", check always to see if there is any old edition saved. Those versions can be deleted by you without any value to make the record thin. 3. Put image wisely "Insert Picture" is one of many main reasons for the word document get fat. Attempt to insert a smaller image. Graphic editor can be used by you to lessen the size of image before place into the file. The file format should use GIF or JPG and do not use those high-resolution graphic, like BMP. 4. In case you require to discover further about plexus slim, there are many on-line databases you should investigate. Don't "Embed True Variety Font" "Embed True Type Font" increases how big is term report. In Menu, pick "Tools > Options", switch to "Save" tab page. Ensure that your word document don't have any legitimate type font, and cancel the "Embed True Type Font" alternative. If true type font is embedded by you, then choose "Embed characters used only". Take to the above four methods, you will see your word report getting lean.
4 methods to make your Word file "slim"