Why? - Page Rank

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What's Pr?? In short Page Rank is a 'election', by all of those other pages on the Web, about how exactly important a site is. A link to your page counts as a vote of support. There is no help (however it is an abstention from voting rather than vote against the site) if there is no link. How is Page Rank Used? Page Ranking is one of the methods Google uses to determine a page's relevance or importance. It is just one part of the story when it involves the Google list, but Pr is exciting enough to deserve a paper of its and the other aspects are mentioned elsewhere (and are ever changing). When you have installed the Google toolbar (http://toolbar.google.com/) page ranking can be displayed o-n the toolbar of the browser. But the Toolbar Pr only goes from 0 - 10 and appears to be something like a logarithmic scale: Toolbar Page Rank: (log base 1-0) Real Page Ranking 0 0 - 1-0 1 100 - 1,000 2 1,000 - 10,000 3 10,000 - 100,000 4 therefore and on.. Learn extra information about the_beauty_of_hills_56762 [LEQ] by navigating to our cogent paper. We can not know the actual details of the size since, as we'll see later, the maximum PR of pages on line changes every month when Google does its re-indexing! If we think the scale is logarithmic (though there is only historical evidence with this at the time of writing) then Google might simply provide the greatest true PR page a toolbar PR of-10 and scale the rest correctly. Also the toolbar sometimes guesses! The toolbar often shows me a Toolbar PR for pages I've only transferred and can't possibly be in the catalog yet! What appears to be occurring is that the toolbar looks at the URL of the page the browser is displaying and strips off anything down the last '/' (i.e. it would go to the 'parent' page in URL conditions). If Google has a Toolbar PR for that parent then it subtracts 1 and shows that because the Toolbar PR for this page. If there is no PR for that parent it would go to the parent's page, but subtracting 2, and so on entirely around the main of one's site. Then a club is greyed out, if it can't find a Toolbar PR to produce in this way, that is if it does not find a site with a real determined PR. Observe that if the Toolbar is guessing this way, the PR of-the page is 0 - after the Google spider first sees it although its PR will be determined shortly. PageRank says nothing about the content or measurement of a page, the language it's written in, or the text used in the point of a link! Meanings I've started to use some shorthand and technical terms in this report. Now's of the same quality an occasion as any to establish each of the terms I'll use: PR: Shorthand for PageRank: the particular, real, page list for each page as calculated by Google. As we'll see later this could range between 0.15 to millions. Toolbar PR: The PageRank displayed in the Google toolbar in your browser. This varies from 0 to 1-0. Backlink: If page A links out to page B, then page B is thought to possess a 'backlink' from page A. Visit us: http://www.halfvalue.com/top-articles/seo-resources.html.

Why? - Page Ranking